Pumped/”Power” Showers

The second word is in quotes because it is misleading: one could argue that category (2) is a power shower as it uses electricity, and it is also being abused by the marketers because “power shower” seems to imply “excellent shower” in … Read more

Conventional Showers

A conventional shower is just a means of mixing hot and cold water, and spraying it at you. It is simple and cheap, but its performance is highly dependent on the water supplies to it. If upstairs in a house with a … Read more


The potential problem of condensation is often overlooked in today’s hermetically sealed houses. Air can hold a certain amount of water vapour, and the higher its temperature, the more vapour it can contain. Air in houses in winter often contains more moisture … Read more

Glossary of DIY Terms

Terms Description Aggregate  Particles of sand or stone of varying sizes mixed with cement and water to make concrete, or added to paint to make a textured finish.  Airlock  A blockage in a water pipe caused by trapped air.  Appliance  A machine … Read more

diy Calculators

We are developing some simple and not so simple calculators that will work out diy related things such as amount of sand, cement and ballast required to make concrete or mortar. In the mean time the following tables should help; Mortar Mixing … Read more

How to Make the Tea


Making a cup of tea Probably one of the most important tasks that can be carried out when undertaking diy. A simple yet crucial journey—making the perfect cup of tea. With patience and precision, you too can master the art of tea … Read more

How to Ease a Sticking Door

red wooden door possibly sticking

A sticking door can be a persistent annoyance in any home, but fear not. Our ultimate guide has arrived to provide you with the detailed, instructive, and comprehensive solutions to ease that stubborn entryway. We understand that a sticking door can arise … Read more
